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  • A$$ Kickin BBQ Cook-off: February 29, 2008 - March 01, 2008

A$$ Kickin BBQ Cook-off - Avondale Charity Event

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  • Karma: 1
Check in will start 9:00 am......... no sooner.............. on Friday, February 29, 2008.........
#16 - January 09, 2008, 08:16:00 pm
Huge Fan of Mike (AZBarbeque)... He's My Hero..


  • Karma: 0
Please forgive the capitalist nature of the following questions and comment but someone has to ask so it might as well be me.

What is the total prize pool for the 4 meat Competitor event (excluding the Weekend Warrior portion) and is there a limitation on the number of teams that can compete?  I see on the entry form that only 3 places in each category are being paid and GC and RC payouts seem pretty small for a $200 entry fee.
#17 - January 10, 2008, 12:11:47 am
The All-WSM Championship Barbeque Team
2008 & 2009 CBBQA Team of the Year


  • Karma: 1
The total pay out for the competitor division is $2500.00..... Also, each team will receive 4 passes to the VIP dinner on Friday night...... we are also working on some other items that could be donated (like meats and a new twist for winning money) for the competitors to use... no guarantee on that yet.......... Keep in mind, this is a first time charity event and we should have a better idea in mid February of attendance and number of teams....... if we meet a target number, we will certainly raise the prize money amounts........ Right now no limitatiion on number of teams.......Force
#18 - January 10, 2008, 06:33:12 am
Huge Fan of Mike (AZBarbeque)... He's My Hero..


  • Karma: 0
Force, thanks for the reply.  I think we'll need to take a wait and see approach to determine if this event is economically feasible for us to participate in.

Follow up:  I decided to add to my original post and add a more detailed explanation of my position. 

It's not that I'm just a raging, heartless capitalist who has no time for charities but rather an honest assessment of the economics of the event.  As many of you know, competition barbeque is an expensive hobby and perhaps even more so for those of us who are self employed as we have to factor in lost wages from time spent not working as well as all of the other costs associated with competing.  Just looking at the basic costs of this particular event, the numbers go something like this:

Entry Fee................................$200
Other Supplies.........................$25
Trailer Rental (2 days).............$65

Total..........................................$415  (This obviously does not include lost wages from missing work)

With payouts at this event being what they are, we would have to have one heck of a successful competition just to break even on the basic costs let alone begin to compensate for lost wages.  The ratio of cost to return on investment is so narrow that it makes the very act of competing damn near a charitable one.  If the barbeque competition is the draw for the event then the competitors need a better chance to cover their costs.  Most teams only have so much money to spend each year on events and it has to be spent as wisely as possible.

I hope this helps to better explain my hesitation in signing up to compete in this event.
#19 - January 10, 2008, 10:26:41 am
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 01:39:23 pm by VisionQuest220 »
The All-WSM Championship Barbeque Team
2008 & 2009 CBBQA Team of the Year

Thom Emery

  • Karma: 2
School wont let you do Peoples Choice?
Those payouts make this size contest work
I have  3 like this in 2008
#20 - January 10, 2008, 02:12:38 pm
Catering, Competition Cooking and Community Service

What Wood Jesus Q

Mike (AZBarbeque)

  • Karma: 172
We do have a People's Choice.  It is $1 per ticket for the public with 75% going back to the competitors.  Not too bad...
#21 - January 10, 2008, 03:13:46 pm
Michael J. Reimann
Realtor - Clients First Realty (Real Job) -
Owner/President - AZBarbeque - #1 BBQ Club in Arizona
Owner/Pitmaster - AZBarbeque Catering -

If God wanted us to be Vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat??

Thom Emery

  • Karma: 2
Will you use standardized containers for distribution to the public?

75 cents  What weight on sample size?
 Very difficult to do Ribs for that
Pork Butt yes,  Non Turn in Meats yes
#22 - January 10, 2008, 04:49:22 pm
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 05:05:02 pm by Thom Emery »
Catering, Competition Cooking and Community Service

What Wood Jesus Q


  • Karma: -7
Yes,what type of containers are we to use for peoples choice ? I am thinking the same white paper hot dog trays from Smart and Final or Cosco right ? Problem also is that with this being a new contest no one can be sure how many people will be there or how many will buy peoples choice tickets.I would hate to make alot of meat and have to bring it all or most home.I am only going to make the amount I would for a normal comp,I guess play it safe is a good rule here.And Thom is right,can't really do ribs for 75 cents and dangerous to make alot and have them not bought.
#23 - January 10, 2008, 06:25:59 pm
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 06:27:48 pm by BBQCZAR »
BBQ Bullies competition barbeque team

Mike (AZBarbeque)

  • Karma: 172
I know that Chris and the Organizers of the event are hoping to get a meat sponsor that could potentially donate some of the non competition meats for the people's choice.

Chris, any word on this yet??
#24 - January 10, 2008, 09:01:39 pm
Michael J. Reimann
Realtor - Clients First Realty (Real Job) -
Owner/President - AZBarbeque - #1 BBQ Club in Arizona
Owner/Pitmaster - AZBarbeque Catering -

If God wanted us to be Vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat??


  • Karma: 1
HOO AH!!!!!   The pot just got bigger and perks were just negociated......

First of all, the $200.00 entry fee will include FREE Electric and FREE Ice........ we were able to negociate with vendors to comp those items for the competitors.......


BEST Booth Catagory:

1st place: $275.00
2nd place: $125.00
3rd place:  $75.00
4th-6th place: Medals

Keep in mind: 4 FREE Dinners per team to the VIP Dinner Friday Night (Hosted by Whiskey Ranch) and all competitor lots are 20 x 40........ NO Additional fee for the large space.........

Sign up fast............... Force
#25 - January 10, 2008, 10:21:33 pm
Huge Fan of Mike (AZBarbeque)... He's My Hero..


  • Karma: 1
OOPs........ by the way.. Give me an F for spelling......... it's Category...............
#26 - January 10, 2008, 10:23:39 pm
Huge Fan of Mike (AZBarbeque)... He's My Hero..


  • Karma: 0
Who should one contact regarding signing up to judge this event?
#27 - January 11, 2008, 06:15:29 am
The All-WSM Championship Barbeque Team
2008 & 2009 CBBQA Team of the Year


  • Karma: 1

BEST Booth Catagory:

1st place: $275.00
2nd place: $125.00
3rd place:  $75.00
4th-6th place: Medals

Well, if this doesn't convince Marty to sign up, nothing will!   >:D


#28 - January 11, 2008, 06:44:21 am
Pitmaster for Ship of Fools, er...Major Woody's BBQ Team
Beer Ambassador -currently doing research in assorted Bavarian Villages

Thom Emery

  • Karma: 2
At $1.00 that hotdog tray is too big
Hell at 2 it is too big
Smart and Final has some smaller plastic cups
You will need forks or spoons
I am sorry I just cant see the $1.00 sample working in 2008
Stagecoach maybe $2.50 ten others in CA will $2.00
Meat costs too much to sell for a dollar
I understand families costs etc
At 25 cents you wont raise much cash
Go at least $1.50, teams get $1.00
charity 50 cents
sell for 1.50 each or 7 for $10.00
and they get a deal
That is a deal
Charity supplies standardized cups and cheap forks or spoons
#29 - January 11, 2008, 07:37:16 am
Catering, Competition Cooking and Community Service

What Wood Jesus Q


  • Karma: 3
Man, that's just cold.  Doesn't seem like a $200 entry fee to shoot for a $275 Best Booth is a very sound piece of decision making. 

Honestly, I'm not sure on this one yet.  We decided to do the Pulte event and see how things go.  If by some miracle we win some money at Pulte, then I'll probably do this event.  Otherwise it's just not in my budget. 

I have been thinking about judging a few locally since I can probably swing that expense.

#30 - January 11, 2008, 08:07:57 pm
Medium Spicewine; 2 NB Offsets; 2 WSM; 2 ProQ; 1 Peoria Cooker


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