Introduction of Lumber Jack Pellets

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I may have posted in "Child's board" ??? Just don't know what that is I guess?
Hi everyone
I would like to introduce all of you to our company, Great Lakes Renewable Energy, Inc. manufacturer's of "Lumber Jack BBQ Pellets" I am here to answer any questions on manufacturing of fiber wood pellets for use in BBQ Grills and smokers. I am honored to become a member of I hope if anyone has any questions about our BBQ Pellets they will ask me "lumberjack". Anything I can help you with simply ask. Thank you and I am very happy to be here. Here is a video that will show you how our pellets are made and show you our company in action. We are very proud to be working with of your primary sponsors Mr. Mike West of BBQ Island. Mike has done a wonderful job in promoting all BBQ Pellets including ours and has made them available in the Western states.
#1 - July 15, 2013, 10:40:40 am


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