Howdy from Flag

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  • Karma: 0
My name is Charles and I live in Flagstaff. New here and I love my Q. I have a cheater grill, a Char-Griller Duo. I have limited space and funds so this will do for a while. Anyway, hope everyone has a good day.
#1 - August 05, 2008, 03:06:04 am
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy

Mike (AZBarbeque)

  • Karma: 172
Charles, welcome to the site, great to have you.  I also have a Char Griller duo which I made into a triple by ordering the smoke box.

It is a great unit.  Once side propane, one side charcoal and now the smoke box so it's a smoker as well.  Very versitile.

Hope to meet you soon out at some of our events, we do have some great ones.

We are looking to expand throughout the state and our Northern Club Ambassador is Bear, he's on here all the time as well, but if you have any questions or just want to say, "Hello" to him, his e-mail is

Hope you enjoy the site and all it has to offer, we do have lots of great members on here and lots of great info.

Can't wait to hear about your BBQing/grilling experiences and see some pictures, we do love pictures.

Great to have you.

#2 - August 05, 2008, 03:11:40 am
Michael J. Reimann
Realtor - Clients First Realty (Real Job) -
Owner/President - AZBarbeque - #1 BBQ Club in Arizona
Owner/Pitmaster - AZBarbeque Catering -

If God wanted us to be Vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat??

Mike (AZBarbeque)

  • Karma: 172
Michael J. Reimann
Realtor - Clients First Realty (Real Job) -
Owner/President - AZBarbeque - #1 BBQ Club in Arizona
Owner/Pitmaster - AZBarbeque Catering -

If God wanted us to be Vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat??


  • Karma: 0
Hey, the Duo is a good grill. I bought it 6 weeks ago from Fry's. I was waiting to buy the fire box from the Char-Griller website but was waiting for who knows what. Well I walked into Bashas and found the fire box for $17 dollars, they wanted $65 for it orginally. I scored big time there. As for the grill, I use the burner on the left side to start charcoal, it is great for that.
#4 - August 05, 2008, 03:20:19 am
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy

Mike (AZBarbeque)

  • Karma: 172
WOW, that was a great buy, I paid the darn $65 plus shipping, so you got a fantastic deal.

Yea, I use that burner for my charcoal chimney as well, it works great for it.

The worst part about this unit is the wheel assembly.  Here is a document I downloaded from another site for mods for it.  Now I just need to find someone to do it for me..
#5 - August 05, 2008, 03:23:42 am
Michael J. Reimann
Realtor - Clients First Realty (Real Job) -
Owner/President - AZBarbeque - #1 BBQ Club in Arizona
Owner/Pitmaster - AZBarbeque Catering -

If God wanted us to be Vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat??


  • Karma: 0
The only thing I hate about the grill is the wheels. I busted the wheel cap off, getting the thing to the back yard was a pain. I was thinking of getting a piece of rebar and doing the mod that way, but I am going to look at the mod link. Thank you for posting it.
#6 - August 05, 2008, 03:31:29 am
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy


  • Karma: 9
Welcome aboard Charles. Be sure to let me know whenever you're around the show low area. Tell Big John that Bear says hi.
#7 - August 07, 2008, 05:15:05 pm
David "Bear" Nunley


  • Karma: 0
I wish there was a way to know when Big John sets up. I have seen him around, but always when I can't stop. Anyway, I like Show Low, I thought of moving there but Flagstaff won out.
#8 - August 08, 2008, 02:51:08 am
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy


  • Karma: 0
Welcome aboard, Charles! ;D
#9 - August 08, 2008, 07:55:06 am

FAT 50 Ultra
A whole sleuth of homemade grills and smokers

Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting for dirty!


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