Knockin the dust off the smoker

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  • Karma: 9
 Had a little snow flurry action this morning. So I fired up the smoker and chased the clouds away. Looks like it's going to be a nice day. Have a pork butt going for some pulled pork sammies tonite.
 Also have a cross rib roast thawed out and will toss that on later while the smoker is fired up.
We had a slight leak in the chest freezer outside and it has been frozen shut all winter. Finally got it open and slowly chiseling down the ice block to get at the meats.
#1 - March 09, 2008, 07:49:28 am
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 07:51:54 am by bearbonez »
David "Bear" Nunley

Mike (AZBarbeque)

  • Karma: 172
Bear, I feel for you up there.  Wish I was there to help you chisel out that cooler, or at least drink some beers next to you and help direct...  ;D  ;D
#2 - March 09, 2008, 10:34:56 am
Michael J. Reimann
Realtor - Clients First Realty (Real Job) -
Owner/President - AZBarbeque - #1 BBQ Club in Arizona
Owner/Pitmaster - AZBarbeque Catering -

If God wanted us to be Vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat??


  • Karma: 9
 At about 12 hours. Pork butt has been holding at 150 for about 5 hours now. Temp should start climbing here pretty quick. Have the stuffed pasillas going for an hour, and have the avacado/mango slaw made and chillin.
#3 - March 09, 2008, 07:09:51 pm
David "Bear" Nunley


  • Karma: 0
BEAR, I have been using my old fire dept. turnouts on top of my pit in the winter time to maintain decent temps but i hear welding blankets work well! Do you need to use anything on your pit? PAT.
#4 - April 15, 2008, 09:22:32 am


  • Karma: 9
It's has a ton of steel and holds temps well. The only problem I had this winter was lack of access. It is on the north side of the house and the snow just wouldn't cooperate. Was knee high for most of the winter back there.
 The only thing I have a real issue with year round, is the longer cooks. I find that whole spares take bout 8 hours, or 6 with the brisket removed and well trimmed.
#5 - April 15, 2008, 02:51:21 pm
David "Bear" Nunley


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