2015 Out of the Ashes

Discussion started on

Mike (AZBarbeque)

  • Karma: 172
Hey all, After much negotiations and work on Mike & Mary Nuttall's part, it looks like the BBQ Comp at this event will NOT happen this year.  We GREATLY APPRECIATE all the both of them have done to put this event together each year and keep it so much fun and enjoyable.  They really have been amazing.

BUT, with that being said, they also don't want to lose a great event in their town.

SO, what we have decided to do is have this year's Out of the Ashes as a BBQ Social Festival & Rib Burn.

Mike is able to secure a spot in the town of Springerville for us to set up and use.  It has power just like the rodeo grounds did, so we would be good to go there.

The thought behind this is that everyone would come together and just have a big camping trip together.  Everyone would participate & help out with the meals and it would be a great fun event for everyone.

We would like to also host our Awards Banquet at this event and do a Rib Burn for the town and a local charity on one of the days.

Please post up if you are interested in attending, helping plan, participating in the Rib Burn, dates that would work (Aug & Sept are best) and any other ideas or suggestions you have so we can get the planning started on this great event.

Thanks, we hope to see everyone out there.
#1 - April 23, 2015, 04:00:13 pm
Michael J. Reimann
Realtor - Clients First Realty (Real Job) -
Owner/President - AZBarbeque - #1 BBQ Club in Arizona
Owner/Pitmaster - AZBarbeque Catering -

If God wanted us to be Vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat??


  • Karma: 1
I'm interested. As of right now the calendar is open, I just can't do the first or second weekend of August...
#2 - April 24, 2015, 08:18:39 am


  • Karma: -7
I'm sorry to hear there won't be a comp this year,we enjoyed the past ones.I would like to come up,but it's too early to know right now,but we will if we can swing it.
#3 - April 25, 2015, 12:22:52 pm
BBQ Bullies competition barbeque team


  • Karma: 1
Very disappointed as this was one of our favorite as it was our first walk the first year. Not sure we can make it there to camp. With the lack of comps in AZ this year there will be hard choices on doing out of state comps that no doubt will cost. With that not sure we can swing this one, but will see.
#4 - April 26, 2015, 07:31:52 am

145 grill

  • Karma: 3
Sorry about no comp this year, but wanted everyone to know that we haven't given up on one in the future, just down sizing this year. I am working on getting the ribs donated so no cost for meat to anyone and I am also trying to get donations for some prize money.  We need a date so I can start sending our letters.  Hope to see all my old and some new friends at this event.
#5 - April 28, 2015, 07:23:51 pm
1-offset stick burner trailer
1-home offset
The hardest thing about smoking meat is keeping it lit.


  • Karma: 2
I suggest September 4-5.  It's Labor Day weekend so I could probably bring my boys up to this.  I wouldn't mind participating in cooking ribs.  I've been wanting people's reactions to my ribs any way, outside of friends and family of course.  :)  I don't know what kind of conflict people would have with the date though.
#6 - April 29, 2015, 08:15:16 am


  • Karma: -7
I see on the ATV'ers site they still have the BBQ event posted,someone need to tell them it's a no go
#7 - April 30, 2015, 09:37:08 am
BBQ Bullies competition barbeque team

145 grill

  • Karma: 3
I see on the ATV'ers site they still have the BBQ event posted,someone need to tell them it's a no go
They were told prior to the flyers going out, don't know why it was still on them.
#8 - May 01, 2015, 12:25:27 pm
1-offset stick burner trailer
1-home offset
The hardest thing about smoking meat is keeping it lit.


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