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DRYKULL INNOVATIONS LLC provides AFFORDABLE, easy to use roasters for roasting and cooking just about anything on the grill. Owned and operated by Patrick I. Driscoll, born and raised in Alamogordo, New Mexico – an absolute lover of New Mexico cuisine and “Green Chile”.

Our MOTTO is: Happy Roasters! Happy People!

ROAST ‘EM UP! ® Rotisserie Chili (and FOOD) Roasters for the Grill are designed to be used as an attachment to most standard motorized barbeque rotisseries. All you need to do is utilize the rotisserie bar that comes with your rotisserie, slide ROAST ‘EM UP! ® in place, lock it in and you’re ready to ROAST ‘EM UP! ® The openings of the inserts are to accommodate up to a 5/8” rotisserie bar.

The coolest thing! It’s hands free when using a motorized rotisserie. (Heavy duty rotisserie motors are recommended! Standard 3Watt motors work fine with less heavy loads.) Load it up with your favorite chili, turn on your rotisserie, crank up the grill on high, prop-up the lid to about 5 inches (prop-up-tool included with ROAST ‘EM UP! ®), or just leave the grill lid open and go about doing other things periodically checking for doneness. Once you get the hang of it, and get a feel for how much chili (or other foods) to load for even cooking you’ll be roasting perfect chili every time! Propping the lid open decreases cooking time and increases heat. (Adjust temperature as necessary.)

PERFECT for roasting New Mexico Green Chili - (Anaheim’s), Poblanos, jalapeños, Serrano’s, and all peppers. We have found many uses for this simple, yet effective roaster. By the way, if you know how difficult it is to get a good even roasting of Poblanos so that they peel easily, look no further! TRY roasting bell peppers, whole onions, whole garlic cloves, mushrooms, hot dogs, sausages, bratwurst, shrimp, all shish kabob fixings without the skewer, and tomatoes – just enough for squeezing into your marinara sauce, whatever...

ROAST ‘EM UP! ® is delivered in Un-Seasoned, or Seasoned. For best results in appearance, rust prevention and longevity of use, please follow the seasoning method in SETUP AND ADJUSTMENTS.

Please visit our website at

At this time we provide chili "FOOD" Roasters (Un-Seasoned and Pre-Seasoned) to be used on your rotisserie, T-shirts and Stickers.

Visit the Calendar to see our upcoming events.
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