PM Clone with Pics (Nearly Completed and Cooking)

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Finally got some updated pictures. Getting closer.....

#16 - May 06, 2012, 09:44:14 pm
soon to be completed Pitmaker Clone.



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Amazing build!  It's exactly what I am in the planing stages of doing. So glad to see your build.  Couple of questions.

I've seen in several other builds people using ball valves for air intake rather than the pass-through that you and Pitmaker have.  I actually like what you have better.  How exactly did you build the slide for the air intake?

What store did you find the high temp insulation at?  I just need an idea of what type of stores to look at otherwise i'll be ordering from McMaster.

How high off the pan did you place the exhaust stacks?

Thanks so much and i can't wait to see this finished and cooking!!!
#17 - May 30, 2012, 02:08:21 pm


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Thanks KCbbq, good luck on you're build and Ill answer what I can...I am no pro so take it for what you want. If you click any of the pictures it will probably take you to my picasa page where there are more pictures.

The damper is like an offset "T" through a piece of rectangular pipe with some angle welded inside for it to slide on. Make sure it's loose enough so when it heats up all the gaps don't close up. My fire drawer did that and I couldn't slide it out when I seasoned it... Fixed with a little grinding.

I called Roxul to see who sold the AFB locally. I was able to get enough for 2 smokers for less than $50, much cheaper than McMaster Carr

As for the exhaust duct it's half way between the two bottom racks. I have no exact science on it, just how I did it.

I finally completed most of the smoker, I just need to grind a few welds and complete the paint once it cools here. I never measured a safe for anything as I don't want an exact copy. This is the largest project I have tackled with my welder. I way under estimated the consumables. (Mig Gas, wire, Sanding Disks, etc.)

Here it is in the driveway on the first cook. Chicken was awesome. Huge thanks to my neighbors at BBQ Island for the cherry wood, rubs and sauce. Knowledgeable staff and good prices. They're only a few miles away so Ill be in a lot. Cooked a pork shoulder the next day and it was great. Now to just practice, practice, practice.

#18 - May 31, 2012, 07:48:52 pm
soon to be completed Pitmaker Clone.



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