Bradley Smoke Generator

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  • Karma: 23
#1 - August 26, 2010, 01:12:10 pm
Mark Motta
Meatier Creator


  • Karma: 1
Mark I actually have the complete set up. The generator going into the side of what looks like a dorm fridge. My unit is nice because being electric once the temp evens out it is set for the duration. Also the pucks feeding being automatic it is pretty simple. The pucks are not cheap by any means but there is a good selection (Cabell'as, Bass Pro, etc.). I don't think you get the flavor like with "real" wood but for simplicity it is nice. Use it mostly for jerky, fresh brats, spiral cut hams, and when I am lazy. Can't get a brisket in mine because it is not wide enough without cutting part of the brisket lenght off. I have not done this but they say you can use the generator for cold smoking by using dryer vent hooked up to a box with ice in it to get the smoke temp down then going into the smoke box.
#2 - August 26, 2010, 03:15:49 pm
You can't drink all day if you don't start early.


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Mark, LA CAJA CHINA sells one for $50.00 but i'm not sure how well it works! I'm planning on buying one in the next few months to use with my # 2 so i can get alittle more smoke on my whole hogs!
#3 - August 28, 2010, 12:20:03 am


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