requested by AZCHOCTAW1 tomatillo sauce

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  • Karma: 0
I use this for chile verde
husk and wash 6 or 7 medium tomatillos.
coursely chop one large sweet onion.
Steam tomatillos and onion and a chile of your choice
in a pot until the tomatillos swell, but before they burst.
Swirl in blender with the steam water, should
make about 2/3 blender full.
You can cut up seared and seasoned pork, or use larger
pieces, your choice, pour sauce over pork in a pan
and simmer to combine flavors. Enjoy
#1 - June 20, 2009, 12:20:55 pm
The liver is evil. it must be punished.


  • Karma: 0
thank you Mr. Kenny,
#2 - June 20, 2009, 03:16:14 pm
Middle name "Elijah" means "God of Fire" that is why I BBQ!!!!!!


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