Fuel Hog?

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I just wanted to ask about fuel use on the Excell  I loaded my basket full of Cowboy lump ( It all seamed small compared to the last lump I used) at about 3 pm I got it to 235 at the 2nd of the 2 stackers and about 250 at the lid  and got her to stick there at just before 9pm it dropped down to 200 I went to stir the coals and there was hardly any lump left. I should let you know I foil the waterpan and don`t use water. Does this seam like a lot of fuel for a 6 hour slow burn?
#1 - July 02, 2010, 08:47:14 am


  • Karma: 1
So the second grate temp was cooler than the lid temps?  I would guess that (2nd grate) thermometer is defective...the lid is usually the lowest temp, its further away from the fire.  i would guess the lower grate was way past 300 and at those temps yes 6 hours is all your going to get.

Mine usually sits at 260 bottom grate, 230 top grate and 200 lid therm.
#2 - July 02, 2010, 09:28:45 am
Mike boils his ribs....pass it on.


  • Karma: 0
Sorry I got it reversed bottom was 250 and lid was 235 sorry about the confusion
#3 - July 02, 2010, 12:29:14 pm


  • Karma: 1
Short answer...yes. I have had the fuel only last 6 hours or so, especially when using lump which will burn fast/hotter than blue bag k.

#4 - July 02, 2010, 02:06:07 pm
Mike boils his ribs....pass it on.


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What kind of burn do you get with regular coal? say for a low and slow cook. I switched to the lump because I tried it just for the heck of it and my wife and I both thought the food had a cleaner taste so we thought we would stick with it.
#5 - July 02, 2010, 08:17:03 pm


  • Karma: 9
Great deals on 40# bags of lump--Smart 'n' Final and Sam's carry Best of the West for around $15, Restaurant Depot has the same size, likely the same stuff in a generic bag for just over $10. I frequently spout off about the aroma surrounding Blue Bag K during ignition, but I caved in on the low prices around Memorial Day. I must admit, it didn't smell so much like tar on my last several cooks. Still way too much ash production, IMHO. But I always mention that all them winning teams (RnQ, Jaybird!) use KBLUEy.
I've seen posts that say lump burns longer, and posts that say it burns slower. I don't know what to think...It seems pretty much the same.
#6 - July 05, 2010, 08:51:02 am
CBJ # 53779
For cooking, lower and slower. For spices, mo' hotter, mo' better. Habaneros rule!


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I have had no problems with my ProQ just the other day I used Stubbs Charcoal and 1/3 chimmney of lit, and kept all the lower vents closed for hours before having to crack just 1 about 1/4 inch for the rest of the 6 hr cook, Shut it down and still have enough to do some chicken this weekend.  Now I am no pro and am just learning how this ProQ works I am getting better each time.  My poor ol offset is jealous but will be using it this weekend for rotesseri chickens!  I also find that my lid temp is hotter than my grate temp and I am using a Maverick ET-73 at the grate and calibrated my lid therm to 212 in boiling water.  I will re calibrate the lid therm
#7 - July 09, 2010, 04:37:52 pm

Chef Jim

I've used both lump and bricks and think the lump is better.  But it does seem to burn faster.  I also find that outside temps and wind make a big difference in my fire control. Still working on that
#8 - July 10, 2010, 07:59:57 am


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