Lookit my butt...

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  • Karma: 9
Food City, 99 cents. They only had little ones. 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 lbs. I used the GalenaGarlic Chipotle Honey Rub from my sister on the small one, Dr. BBQ's Big Time on the other. I toasted the cumin and peppercorns and thyme before whirring them up in the Krups grinder I liberated from Mom's kitchen.
Trimmed and rubbed. I've rendered some of the trimmings. I don't know what I'm gonna do with it. I froze some of the other pork fat. Sicko!

The RDS--rusty--was running at just over 200*. I thought maybe a smokestack would create some draw, raise the temp. I grabbed the stack off'n the SnP to see what would happen. In less than 5 minutes, temp reversed course, climbed to 210. So I propped it there.

In a misguided attempt to create a stand, I tried this... didn't work. It stayed propped by a hunk of oak. I'm thinkin' a header flange will work just fine. And maybe a tuneable stack, too. HMMmm..

And in my neighbors yard is this...

Yes, it's a dying orange tree. Bud said he needs to replace it. I called dibs on the corpse. WOO HOO!
#1 - January 20, 2010, 02:59:20 pm
CBJ # 53779
For cooking, lower and slower. For spices, mo' hotter, mo' better. Habaneros rule!


  • Karma: 2
looks like "rusty" is just chuggin' along fine.....dispite yer make shift mods. ;) as for the butts i think the $.79 deals from food city are over since "tamale season" is over......good thing i stocked up! nice stock of citrus over yonder.....went over to mom's last weekend to trim her lemon tree.......kinda got carried away! you ought to see all the pecan trees in old mesa...........thinkin 'bout knockin' on some doors with my chainsaw!  >:D
#2 - January 20, 2010, 04:11:33 pm


  • Karma: 9
I'm still jonesing for some pecan. I bought a small bag of hickory chunks at Wal Mart, cuz the nearby wood lot wasn't open early enough. This'll hold me 'til I get employed...I hope...
#3 - January 20, 2010, 05:08:55 pm
CBJ # 53779
For cooking, lower and slower. For spices, mo' hotter, mo' better. Habaneros rule!


  • Karma: 0
Oops, hit the wrong button!!

Hate it when that happens.

#4 - January 20, 2010, 08:22:21 pm
« Last Edit: January 20, 2010, 08:25:08 pm by skou »
Currently cooking with a newly built UDS,(thanks to Skouson, my brother) which is my current best smoker.  I've also got a Weber Performer, also from Sterling.  My brothers think I'm CRAZY.  (Strangely, they're right.)


  • Karma: 0
Dave, don't you know that most plastic has a low melting point?  And, it's quite difficult to scrape off a rusted drum lid?  I DO like the tuned extractor idea, though.  How many RPMs does your RDS run?  (How long do you want to make the extractor pipe?) ;D

Oh, I stumbled across some boneless butts at work on Monday.  I'd tell you how much I got them for, but you'd just drool all over your keyboard!  My brother is getting half of them, and is going to make some bacon out of them for the 2 of us.  (He's probably going to spend more on the curing salts, then I spent on the meat!)

Oh, if you give me a ride, I'll help you with the tree!  (I just want some of the wood.)

One more thing, that's a nice lookin' butt!!  (Why do I feel like a prevert??)

#5 - January 20, 2010, 08:23:03 pm
Currently cooking with a newly built UDS,(thanks to Skouson, my brother) which is my current best smoker.  I've also got a Weber Performer, also from Sterling.  My brothers think I'm CRAZY.  (Strangely, they're right.)


  • Karma: 9
The cup wasn't in residence long enough to get even remotely warm. It couldn't hold the bent stack up. Big chunka oak did well. I'll be looking for a header collector and a chrome tailpipe next...
I like that quoting non-existent text trick...ah, but if I could figger out how to make a word the link. Ya know, like "to see that click here" and here is the shortcut. I would think that isn't beyond my capabilities..
#6 - January 20, 2010, 08:31:34 pm
CBJ # 53779
For cooking, lower and slower. For spices, mo' hotter, mo' better. Habaneros rule!


  • Karma: 0
Dave, if you cut the seal off the top of that drum, (the seal is the top ridge, where the top meets the side) you can use a normal Weber kettle lid for a lid.  Can't run a piece of tubing as an expansion chamber, though.  My brother Sterling, (Skouson, here) made a few UDS smokers, and mine is one of them.  They all use a Weber kettle lid as the top.  They work just fine.  I can control mine from 175 to 400+ with no problem at all.  I'm sure I can go higher, but my thermometer tops out at 402 degrees.

I wish my ProQ had the control of the UDS!

Oh, I tried to modify that post, but hit the quote button.  So, I just deleted (kinda) the original post.

#7 - January 20, 2010, 08:43:47 pm
Currently cooking with a newly built UDS,(thanks to Skouson, my brother) which is my current best smoker.  I've also got a Weber Performer, also from Sterling.  My brothers think I'm CRAZY.  (Strangely, they're right.)


  • Karma: 1
Good to see her going along...a few more holes around the lid should fix up the drafting problem.
#8 - January 20, 2010, 09:20:13 pm
Mike boils his ribs....pass it on.


  • Karma: 9
I thought I had bofem in the picture. Oh well. They came out yummy. They could have been left in the heat another little while--a bit resistant to pulling. Overall, very good. Only one small portion of bone out of bofem. I wonder if it's just the way FC butchers. Wish I'd gotten some of the 8.5 pounders from RD. OOoba Dooba!

#9 - January 21, 2010, 12:49:08 pm
CBJ # 53779
For cooking, lower and slower. For spices, mo' hotter, mo' better. Habaneros rule!


  • Karma: 0
Looks great, love the mods to the smoker!! :)
#10 - January 21, 2010, 10:05:48 pm

The Smokin Shanty

  • Karma: 1
you have a nice butt Dave..... :-\
#11 - January 22, 2010, 05:54:59 pm
Kingsford grill
Pro Q excel 20
Charbroil offset


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